The company
LASERLABS was founded in July 1997 in the Paris area.
Our aim is to design and manufacture mainly analogue electronics, special lasers and their associated control electronics.
We are always on the lookout for ways of developing and transferring technology, and several projects are currently under way with public and private laboratories, with the aim of producing marketable products.
If you have a project in mind, get in touch with us to discuss it! If your idea is at an advanced stage and you’d like to run some tests, contact us!

Electronics design
Consultant in :
- analogue electronics
- Sensors
- Fine parameter controls
- Signal acquisition
- Fast electronics…
- optoelectronics,
- lasers…
Prototyping for start-ups
or for low TRL systems in physics and research.
Test equipment available for general and HF electronics, analysers, lasers, etc.
Here are some examples:
- Laser and particle detection in nanopores for biology,
- Isolated amplifiers for an ion beam system, measuring soil paramagnetism,
- Stand-alone proteodies sound diffusers …

Design and manufacture of control systems
for industry, small series
Here are some examples:
- Plasma control for laser ablation at ArcelorMittal,
- Small green lasers for viewing microplates …
Design of special lasers

for research and start-ups
- 2.7 µm laser for the Odeillo solar furnace
- ultrafine lasers for cooling atoms (Jussieu)
- supercontinuum lasers for star simulation (CRAL Lyon)

Heritage preservation
Restarting operation of lasers whose manufacturer has disappeared or no longer provides maintenance…
- Small pulsed lasers for Lidars (Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique Jussieu, Lille),
- Lexel argon laser
- Laser Titanium Sapphire …